No. 161.
Mr. Angell
to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of
the United States,
Peking, May 2, 1881.
(Received June 20.)
No. 156.]
Sir: In my No. 152, of April 30, I spoke of rumors
current among the Chinese to the effect that some harm was to be done to the
property or persons of foreigners in Peking. In my interview with the
Tsung-li Yamên, on the 23d ultimo, I referred to these mischievous reports,
and they assured me that they should endeavor to detect the originators of
the rumors and to punish them.
At the instance of the foreign office the military authorities have now
issued a proclamation, a copy of which I inclose. It has not been
communicated to me officially. The translation which I forward to you is of
[Page 270]
a copy taken from the posters
on the streets. The prefect of the district which comprises Peking and the
suburbs has issued a similar proclamation.
There is no cause for any solicitude concerning the safety of foreigners in
I have. &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 156.]
Proclamation of En, Ch’ung and Wen (the chief military authorities of Peking).
Let all you people clearly understand this:
A communication has been received from the Tsung-li Yamên, reciting as
“China and foreign nations have always been on terms of peace since
commercial relations were established long ago. The government has the
same considerate regard for strangers as for her own subjects, and
treats all alike with the same rule of conduct. Now, it has recently
come to our ears that many extraordinary stories are going the rounds in
the streets and by-lanes. There must be some discontented, meddlesome
fellows who invent stories among themselves and go about spreading them
in such a way that it is really to be apprehended that falsehood upon
falsehood will foment some real trouble. We have to request that a
strict proclamation will be issued to put a stop to this, so that
virtuous, law-abiding people may not be deceived by these stories,”
Having received the above, it is right that we should issue a public
notification. Wherefore this proclamation. We expect you, officers and
soldiers of the local guard stations, to take careful note that if there
be lawless, discontented vagabonds and loafers, as aforesaid, who
fabricate stories with a view to creating a disturbance, you are to
arrest them on the spot and send them in chains to this office to be
severely punished. On no account will any indulgence be shown. And you,
soldiers and people, we hereby admonish you, on the issuing of this
proclamation, to go about your respective duties and not give ear to
false stones whereby you may involve yourselves in trouble. Let all
concerned tremble and obey this special proclamation.
Kuang Hsü, 7th
year, 4th moon, 1st day.