No. 121.
Mr. Blaine to Mr. Martinez.
Washington, November 15, 1881.
Sir: I have had the honor to receive your note of the 27th ultimo, announcing that the boundary treaty concluded between the Republic of Chili and the Argentine Confederation has been approved by the Congresses of those nations, and ratified by both, and that the ratifications have been exchanged. You add that, as in the conclusion of that instrument, the ministers of the United States at Santiago and Buenos Ayres, respectively, had rendered very useful, services, you had been charged by your government to offer to the Government of the United States its warmest thanks for that noble co-operation, as, had already been done “personally to the distinguished diplomatist Thomas A. Osborn.”
In reply I have the honor to state that the information conveyed by your note has been peculiarly acceptable. It is agreeable to know that the difficult and troublesome subject of boundary between the friendly powers of Chili and the Argentine Republic has been peaceably, definitely, and satisfactorily adjusted, and that those parties have paid the representatives of the United States referred to the high compliment of trusting to the aid of their judgment and integrity in the settlement of the intricate questions involved.
Accept, sir, &c.,