No. 113.
Mr. Valderrama to Mr. Asta-Buruaga.


(Copy handed to Mr. Evarts by Mr. Asta-Buruaga, January 6, 1881.)

In a separate note I acquaint you with the result of a conference held at Arica by reason of the mediation which the Government of the United States of North America was pleased to offer to the belligerents.

Although the result of those conferences has not borne out the noble object which the Government of the United States had in view, the sentiment of sincere gratitude which its fraternal and elevated policy has awakened in the Government and people of Chili is none the less lively.

I must likewise add that its noble policy has been faithfully and ably interpreted by the Hon. Mr. Osborn in all this negotiation, and that the delicate tact, rectitude of views, and elevated spirit of which he has given unmistakable proof, have strengthened the confidence and esteem with which from the first he has inspired this government and country.

You will take an early opportunity of signifying these sentiments to the Government of the United States, leaving a copy of this dispatch if any suggestion be made in that sense.

May God guard you.


To Don Francisco S. Asta-Buruaga,
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Chili in the United States.