No. 80.
Mr. White to Mr. Evarts.

No. 168.]

Sir: The minister of agriculture has recommended to the chamber of deputies that the imperial government grant 100,000 milreis ($50,000) per annum to a line of steamships performing a regular service between Canada, the United States, and the ports of Pernambuco, Maranhão, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It appears that Canada has voted a subsidy of £10,000 in the interest of such a service.

You have already been informed of the action of the chambers in regard to the Roach line of steamships, so called. They insisted on the steamers calling at Maranhão, which steamships of the tonnage employed cannot do.

The minister of agriculture has refused to longer meet the requirements of the original contract, and refuses to pay the subsidy until the two chambers shall have again passed upon the contract as originally drawn, and have given a favorable decision. He makes no recommendation in favor of the original contract, but in the case of the projected Canadian line he not only recommends the subsidy but also includes the amount in his budget.

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I am inclined to believe that, notwithstanding his silence, the original contract will now be approved by the two chambers.

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I have the honor to be, &c.,