No. 81.
Mr. Devens
to Mr. Hilliard.
Washington, August 21, 1880.
Sir: Referring to instruction No. 111 of the 4th instant touching correspondence between the minister of France in Washington and this Department, relative to the application to the Emperor of Brazil to name a third commissioner under the American-French convention of January 15, 1880, I have to state that on the 9th instant a telegram was received from Mr. Outrey which reads as follows:
My government adheres to the combination suggested in your letter of August 4. The telegram proposed by you will be forwarded next Thursday, the 12th of this month, to Mr. Noel at Rio. I will write to you to-morrow.
The minister’s note of the 10th instant was the same in substance as the telegram above quoted.
On the 11th instant you were telegraphed as follows:
The claims convention of January last between the United States and France having been ratified by these governments, and the ratifications exchanged on June 23d last, you will confer with the French minister in Brazil as to identic notes to be simultaneously presented, requesting that his majesty will name third commissioner to be ready to act with the other commissioners as early as possible. Am assured Mr. Noel will be similarly instructed.
In view of the possibility that you might not have reached Rio at that date, Mr. White was instructed by a telegraphic message of the 16th instant to act at once, as chargé, in carrying out the instruction of the 11th instant.
I am, &c.,
Acting Secretary.