No. 79.
Mr. White
to Mr. Evarts.
Rio de Janeiro, June 5, 1880. (Received July 51.)
Sir: I see by the newspapers lately received from the United States that the withdrawal of the line of steamships now performing a regular service between New York and Brazil is contemplated; and, in view of the disastrous effect on our trade and commerce that such a step would have, it seems to me proper to invite special attention to the matter. Our foreign trade is neither a personal nor sectional question; it is a cardinal factor in the welfare and prosperity of our whole country, and it is for the government, in my humble judgment, to foster and protect it. If, in order to promote our export interest in South America, it be found necessary to give pecuniary aid to maintain regular direct steamship service, the aid should not be withheld. That a regular service between the United States and Brazil is essential in the interests of our export trade, no one can question. That a regular service cannot be self-supporting for some years is a fact known to all who are familiar with the sharp, keen opposition it must encounter from rival lines, whose sole aim is to force a regular service to retire in order that they may enjoy the benefits of high rates and an exclusive monopoly of the freights.
Our merchant marine should augment more rapidly, and our flag more frequently be seen in this quarter of the globe. Our shipping interest should be fostered, and everything possible done to promote its growth.
John Quincy Adams regarded commerce and navigation as the true “means of communication with the rest of the human family,” and the tremendous impetus given to our exports during the past three years, and the great part they have played in the accomplishment and maintenance of the resumption of specie payment, are practical evidences of the truth of the statement made over half a century ago.
The trade of Brazil is of much value to our country, and every effort should be made to obtain it; and it is greatly to be desired that a regular service between the two countries be maintained, that our exporters may not be at a disadvantage in competing for the trade. If rapid freight facilities be permanent, I venture to say that our export trade in this quarter will increase 100 per cent, in ten years.
I have, &c.,