No. 63.
Mr. Pettis
to Mr. Evarts.
La Paz, Bolivia, September 29, 1879. (Received November 15.)
Sir: I have the honor to be in receipt of your dispatch of the 8th ultimo, No. 17, with inclosure, consisting of a copy of a dispatch from [Page 77] Mr. Minister Dichman, United States minister resident at Bogota, under date of June 20 (last), No. 100, and have considered both carefully, and shall bear in mind your suggestions if the occasion which your dispatch contemplates presents itself.
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I have been informed that the Bolivian authorities here had been in formed of the action of the Colombian Congress to which Mr. Minister Dichman refers, and have information that Doctor Arosemena visited Presidents Daza and Prado at Arica, in pursuance of the object of his appointment and in furtherance of the object of his special mission, but that his mediatory offer upon the part of Colombia was rejected by both. Whether he visited Chili or not, I have no information.
The failure of the special mission of Doctor Arosemena strengthens me in the opinion I have for some time entertained, which is that neither of the then belligerent powers desire the mediation or interference of any power but the United States.
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I am, &c.,