No. 62.
Mr. Pettis
to Mr. Evarts.
Legation of
the United States,
La Paz,
Bolivia, September 15, 1879.
(Received October 20.)
No. 29.]
Sir: It becomes my painful duty to communicate to
you the death of his Excellency Pedro J. de Guerra, minister of foreign
relations, president of the executive council of the government, and Acting
President of the Republic of Bolivia, which took place upon the night of the
11th instant in this city, as will be seen from an official note received by
me upon the following morning, a copy of which in translation I inclose and
mark Inclosure 1, as well as a copy of my answer thereto, marked Inclosure
[Page 76]
I also inclose a copy of a note received from the same source, upon the 13th
inst., marked Inclosure 3, requesting my presence at the official attendance
and ceremony of the removal of his mortal remains, which, of course, I
complied with.
The funeral took place yesterday, with imposing ceremonies, the diplomatic
corps forming a part of the funeral cortege, and the occasion was truly a
very imposing one.
I have not as yet been advised who will succeed Dr. Guerra in the
administration of the affairs of the government. He was seventy years of
age, and largely enjoyed the confidence of the people of the republic, and
it is difficult to predict the effect his death may have upon the fortunes
of the country. He died of pneumonia.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 29.]
Mr. Medina and Mr.
Mendez to Mr. Pettis.
Paz, September 12,
The undersigned, ministers of the executive council of the republic,
comply with the painful duty of communicating to his honor S. Netwon
Pettis, resident minister of the United States of America, the painful
loss which the nation has suffered in the death of Senor Dr. Pedro J. de
Guerra, president of the council and minister of foreign affairs, who
passed away last night at 12 o’clock, after a sickness of some days.
On this painful occasion the undersigned offer to his honor the resident
minister of the United States of North America the expressions of their
most distinguished consideration.
[Inclosure 2 in No. 29.]
Mr. Pettis to Mr.
Medina and Mr.
Legation of the United States,
La Paz, September 12,
The undersigned, minister resident of the United States of America, has
had the honor to receive the note addressed to him which their
Excellencies Eulogio D. Medina and Julio Mendez, ministers of the
executive council of the republic, did him the honor to write him under
date of this day, announcing the sad intelligence of the death of Senor
Dr. Pedro J. de Guerra, president of the council and minister of foreign
affairs, last night at twelve o’clock, after a sickness of some days,
and having previously been apprised of the very unexpected and
melancholy event, which the republic of Bolivia has great reason to; and
will, deplore. As an evidence of the expression of sorrow which he knows
his government will feel, and that the undersigned, does feel, at such a
national affliction, he caused the flag of this legation to be placed at
half-mast, where it will remain during the day, assuring their
excellencies of his own most sincere sympathy in this hour of sorrow,
and begs them to accept the assurance of his most distinguished