No. 496.
Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts.

Mr. Secretary: I have had the honor to receive the note of your Department of the 22d instant, in which you were pleased to inform me that, owing to the rumors which have recently circulated with regard to a proposed filibustering expedition for the invasion of the State of Sonora, the Secretary of War, through the General-in-Chief of the Army, had sent an order, by telegraph, to the commander of the Department of the Pacific, instructing him to prevent any armed invasion of the territory of Mexico. This measure of the President of the United States, of which I shall inform the Government of Mexico without delay, will be received by it as a new proof of the good understanding which happily exists between the two republics, and as an earnest of the amicable sentiments which actuated this government in behalf of the preservation of peace and harmony in its relations with the Mexican Republic, in ordering, as it has done, that the neutrality laws should be obeyed.

In thanking the Department of State, in my own name, for the information contained in the note to which I am now replying, I take pleasure in reiterating to you, Mr. Secretary, the assurances of my very high consideration.