No. 495.
Mr. Hay to Señor Navarro.

Sir: Referring to the rumors which for some brief time past have appeared in the public prints, but which have fortunately not had official echo through your government, concerning the supposed formation of raiding parties near the Mexican frontier for the alleged purpose of making an incursion into the State of Sonora in connection with certain disaffected movements supposed to exist there, I take pleasure in communicating to you, for the information of the government you represent, the following text of a telegraphic instruction which has been [Page 785] sent by the Secretary of War through the General of the Army to Major General McDowell, commanding the Division of the Pacific:

By direction of the President the commanding general Military Division of the Pacific is authorized to prevent any invasion of the territory of Mexico by armed forces in violation of the neutrality laws.

Accept, sir, &c.,

Acting Secretary.