No. 434.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.
Tokei, March 4, 1880. (Received April 2.)
Sir: Some months since Mr. Matthew Scott, a citizen of the United States, for several years in the service of His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Finance department, died at Kobe. His remains were sent to San Francisco for sepulture. It gives me pleasure to acquaint you that it has pleased His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Government, in token of the high respect and esteem in which the deceased was held by the Japanese Government, and of its appreciation of the valuable service rendered by him, to transmit to our consul at Kobe, Mr. Stahel, the sum of 900 yen kinsatsu, to be appropriated in the erection of a suitable monument to the memory of Mr. Scott.
I have, &c.,