No. 435.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts.

No. 1088.]

Sir: On the 11th instant His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Government issued a proclamation to the effect that all persons having claims against the late Lew Chew Han must present the same for payment to the Finance department of His Majesty’s Government before the 30th of May next, stating the total amount of such claim, principal and interest, and that claims not heretofore presented, and which shall not be presented before the 30th of May next will not be accepted.

It is also notified therein that payment of claims so presented, if contracted since 1844, will be paid in government bonds and money, as may be agreed upon by the claimants and the government; and that obligations for payments to the Lew Chew Han will be enforced and payment thereof accepted according to the terms of the original contract.

I have the honor to inclose herewith for your information a translation of the proclamation, and of the rules prescribed for the payment of claims against the late Han, and for the collection of debts due to the late Han.

I have thought it possible that some of our people may have had commercial dealings with Lew Chew.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 1088.—Translation.]

No. 7.

Proclamation is hereby made that the following method of paying the debts of the old Lew Chew Han, and of collecting the money and grain lent out by said Han, has been decided on.

Note.—Those who have claims against said Han must forward them, along with a [Page 687] written calculation of the principal and interest, through the proper government office, to the finance department before the 30th of May next. Claims already forwarded to the finance department or claims for old loans made before 1843 need not be forwarded. Claims not forwarded within the time above given will not be accepted.

Daijo Daijin.

method of paying the claims.

Debts contracted by the old Lew Chew Han since 1844 will be paid in government bonds, as far as possible, and the remainder of the principal and interest will be paid in money at once.
Old debts contracted before 1843 will not be converted into bonds.

method of collecting dues.

Money, grain, and other things payable to the old Lew Chew Han will be collected according to the contracts made with said Han.
Money, grain, and other things lent out before 1844 will not be collected.