No. 337.
Sir Edward
Thornton to Mr. Hay.
Sir: In accordance with an instruction which I have received from the Marquis of Salisbury, I have the honor to invite the attention of the Government of the United States to a representation which has been made by the committee of Lloyds’ with regard to the frequent losses by fire of cotton-laden ships which occur at ports of the United States, especially at Charleston and New Orleans, such disasters occurring generally whilst the vessels are still in port fully loaded.
Lloyds’ agents, who have been appealed to in the matter, attribute these fires, especially at Charleston and New Orleans, to incendiarism or gross carelessness, and the committee have asked that the attention of the authorities of the United States may be called to the frequency of these fires, which cause a great loss of property on both sides of the ocean.
I have, &c.,