No. 336.
Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward
Washington, March 25, 1880.
Sir: I have the honor to state that there has appeared in the public prints a telegram from Ottawa, Canada, to the effect that it is now understood that a very important concession has been obtained from Her Majesty’s Government, and that American cattle will be accorded the privilege of transit through Canada, from one American port to another, with the additional privilege of stopping for rest and other accommodations at some place in Canada.
I will esteem it a great favor if you will have the kindness to ascertain, for the information of this Department and tliat of the Secretary of the Treasury, to whom the facts of the case will be promptly conveyed, whether the statement so made is correct; and, if so, whether the privilege granted by the Canadian Government includes the shipment of cattle through Canada, from ports of the United States, to Canadian seaboard ports for exportation.
I have, &c.,