No. 338.
Sir Edward
Thornton to Mr. Evarts.
Washington, April 17, 1880.
(Received April 17.)
Sir: With reference to your note of the 25th
ultimo, copy of which I transmitted to the Governor-General of Canada, I
now have the honor to transmit herewith copy of a report of a committee
of the privy council
[Page 512]
Canada, which I have received from his excellency, from which it will be
seen that negotiations are now proceeding, with a fair hope of success,
upon the question of American cattle being allowed to pass through
Canada from one American port to another.
I have, &c.,
[Inclosure in Sir Edward Thornton’s
note to Mr. Evarts of April 17.]
Copy of a report of a committee of the honorable
the privy council for Canada, approved by His Excellency the
Governor-General on the 12th April,
On a dispatch from Her Majesty’s minister at Washington, transmitting
copy of a note which he has received from Mr. Evarts requesting him
to ascertain whether the newspaper statement recently published is
true, to the effect that a very important concession has been
obtained from Her Majesty’s Government, and that American cattle
will be accorded the privilege of transit through Canada, from one
American port to another, with the additional privilege of stopping
for rest and other accommodations at some place in Canada, the
honorable the minister of agriculture, to whom said , dispatch with
inclosure has been referred, reports that negotiations are going on
with the imperial authorities, with a fair chance of success, to
permit the transit through Canada, under very stringent regulations,
with the privilege of stopping to rest, of American cattle forwarded
from one United States port to another, but that there are at
present no hopes of being permitted to ship American cattle from
Canadian ports to Europe, without rendering the Dominion liable to
being scheduled.
The committee recommend that a copy of this minute, when approved, be
transmitted to Sir Edward Thornton, for the information of the
United States Government.
Clerk Privy Council,