Appendix: List of papers, with their subjects


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Evarts to the diplomatic and consular officers of the United States in Spanish-American countries. July —, 1877 Trade between the United States and Spanish-American countries: Commercial information and statistics to be transmitted; the best means of fostering trade and commerce between the nations of the American continent to be sought; a market needed for the various manufactures and products of the United States; beneficial influences of such increased international intercourse upon the political and social status of the Spanish-American States; consular and diplomatic officers to point out methods by which commerce may be fostered, and trades in which Americans may share; reports to be rendered with care and efforts to be continuous. 1
2 Mr. Seward to the diplomatic and consular officers of the United States in European countries. August –, 1877 Trade between the United States and European countries: Setting forth the same considerations in favor of increased commercial intercourse, as in the preceding circular, and inviting consular and diplomatic officers to aid in this direction, and to make full reports thereon. 2

argentine republic.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
3 Mr. Baker to Mr. Hunter. Buenos Ayres, September 20, 1877. Is preparing a report; the Argentine press on Mr. Evarts circular: Action of the Argentine minister in the United States; his dispatch to his government. 5


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
4 Mr. Post to Mr. Seward. Vienna, September 29, 1877. Report: Influence of the United States patent law; an injurious effect produced on American competition in foreign markets; suggested modification of the law. 8
5 Mr. Thayer to Mr. Seward. Trieste, November 10, 1877. Report: Position of Trieste as a port of transshipment for the Oriental trade; distance and time an obstacle to American trade; direct steam communication and a large local sample-warehouse suggested. 13
6 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Seward. Prague, November 15, 1877. Report: Commerce may be largely inreased; articles of American manufacture; Bohemian exports. 16


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
7 Mr. Hinds to Mr. Evarts. Rio de Janeiro, October 6, 1877. Commerce can be increased with increase of facilities of communication; will prepare an extended report. 17
8 Mr. Upton to Mr. Evarts Rio Grande do Sul, September 23, 1877. Will prepare a fall report at as early a day as practicable. 17
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central american states.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
9 Mr. Williamson to Mr. Evarts. Guatemala, September 24, 1877. Report: Statistics of Central American trade; balance against the United States; difficulties in the way of increase are high freights, insurance and commissions and bad packing; German commercial enterprise; the commerce of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts compared; high tariffs; statistical tables. 18


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
10 Mr. Osborn to Mr. Evarts Santiago, September 7, 1877. Decline of trade between the United States and Chili; prospects of improvements; will collect and forward statistics. 31


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
11 Mr. Thonington to Mr. Evarts. Aspinwall, August 27, 1877. Forwards facts in relation to United States trade with Guatemala. 31


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
12 Mr. Cramer to Mr. Evarts Copenhagen, October 31, 1877. Report: Obstacles to trade between the United States and Denmark; suggests direct lines of vessels and introduction of American coal; the secrets of the butter trade; sales of goods by samples recommended. 33


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
13 Mr. Bridgland to Mr. Seward. Havre. September 4, 1877. Report: Great increase of the trade in Indian corn; its employment as cattle-feed; shipments from New Orleans. 36
14 Mr. Bartlett to Mr. Seward. St. Pierre de Martinique, November 4, 1877. Report: Trade with the United States; coal, carriages, &c.; necessity of direct communication greatly felt. 37


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No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
15 Mr. Kreismann to Mr. Seward. Berlin, October 15, 1877. Report: Detailed statement of American productions sold in Germany; defects of American packing. 40
16 Mr. Steuart to Mr. Seward. Leipsic. October 27, 1877. Report: The Philadelphia Exhibition caused inquiry for American products; certain goods in demand; suggested exhibition of samples at the semi-annual Leipsic fairs. 42
17 Mr. Griggs to Mr. Seward. Chemnitz, October 29, 1877. Report: Difficulties of enlarging trade with an over-productive country like Saxony; German resistance to innovations; sample-warehouses in Bremen or Hamburg suggested. 44
18 Mr. Lee to Mr. Seward. Frankfort, September 11, 1877. Report: Increased trade dependent on reciprocal sale of German products in the United States; cheapness and utility of innovations must be made known; sample depot at Frankfort suggested; convenience of communication with Frankfort by water. 45
19 do Frankfort, November 26, 1877. Additional observations on trade; depression in Germany; growing inferiority of the quality of German productions; complaints against the tariff of the United States; American competition in leather, machines, textile fabrics, provisions, &c., considered in detail; letters from five German merchants. 47
20 Mr. Winser to Mr. Seward. Sonneberg, September 5, 1877. Preliminary report: Character of the Thüringian trade; Dr. Grothe’s book on American industries and the Centennial Exhibition; the United States tariff; its effect on the toy-trade; the tariff between France and Germany. 62
21 do Sonneberg, September 17, 1877. Additional report: The protective tariff of the United States; letters from sixteen German manufacturers, complaing of its ad-valorem rates and oppressiveness to their trade. 68
22 do Sonneberg, September 19, 1877. Supplementary report: Overproduction; errors of American manufacturers in seeking to force a European market; the toy-trade. 71
23 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Seward. Nuremberg October 20, 1877. Report: Bavarian trade with the United States benefited by the Centennial Exhibition; production of artificial butter; American mill machinery successfully introduced; efforts of Dr. Seelhorst in favor of American agricultural machines. 73
24 Mr. Herbertz to Mr. Seward. Cologne, October 29, 1877. Report: Importation from the United States checked by sending inferior articles; combined sample-warehouses, of first-class goods only, suggested as a remedy. 79

great britain and dependencies.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
25 Mr. Badeau to Mr. Seward. London, December 12, 1877. Trade of Great Britain: Excess of imports over exports: British explanations thereof. 81
26 Mr. Donnan to Mr. Seward. Belfast, October 30, 1877. The linen trade: Exportation s to the United States impeded by the high tariff; Irish imports from the United States. 85
27 Mr. Canisius to Mr. Seward. Bristol, October 25, 1877. Harbor and dock dues: Tables of; the means of increasing direct trade with Bristol; sample-rooms suggested. 86
28 Mr. Dockery to Mr. Seward. Leeds, October 17, 1877 Report: Decline in the linen and woolen export trade; competition of United States manufacturers in foreign markets; protection versus free trade. 89
29 Mr. Shaw to Mr. Seward Toronto, October 3, 1877. Report: Trade-relations between Canada I and the United States; lumber, wool, cereals, manufactures, and cattle; general comparison of short and long credits; the former beneficial to United States merchants. 91
30 Mr. True to Mr. Seward. Kingston, October 19, 1877. Trade: Influence of duties on the exportation of live-stock and breadstuffs. 99
31 Mr. Taylor to Mr. Seward. Winnipeg, November 14, 1877. Report: Condition of the trade of Northwestern British America; it is mostly with the United States; the duties on furs and buffalo-skins. 100
32 Mr. Chance to Mr. Seward. Nassau, N. P., October 23, 1877. Report: Depression of trade, especially in pineapples and salt; the United States tariff considered too high; Nassau as an invalid resort. 102


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
33 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts Rome, December 17, 1877. Report: Climatic considerations; domestic productions of Italy much the same as in the United States; financial obstructions to trade. 105
34 Mr. Spencer to Mr. Hunter. Genoa, November 24, 1877. Report: Influence of the Centennial Exhibition on trade with Italy; principal imports; the cotton-trade; suggestions to manufacturers. 107


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
35 Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts. Tokei, September 27, 1877. Report: Trade statistics; reasons why the largest part of the foreign trade of Japan should be with the United States. 110
36 do Tokei, October 8, 1877. Special considerations concerning the British trade in cottons: Memorandum of an American mercantile representative. 115
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No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
37 Mr. Skilton to Mr. Hunter. Mexico, October 5. 1877. Commerce: Opinions of two representatives of New York houses; subsidized steamer-lines between the United States and Mexico suggested. 117
38 do Mexico, December 30, 1877. Report: Character of exports from the United States; freight rates; advantages of subsidized steam-communication from Vera Cruz to New York and New Orleans. 119
39 Mr. Sutter to Mr. Hunter. Acapulco, October 1, 1877. Report: The trade in cottons; character and prices of British fabrics; merchandise suited to the Mexican market; increasing importance of the west-coast trade with San Francisco. 121
40 Mr. Morrill to Mr. Evarts. Manzanillo, September 28, 1877. Report: Improvement in trade dependent on domestic peace; lines of railways needed to open up channels of trade for the United States. 123


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
41 Mr. Birney to Mr. Evarts. The Hague, September 30, 1877. Labor and wages in Holland; frugal modes of life; difficulty of competing with the Dutch on their own ground. 124


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
42 Mr. Moran to Mr. Evarts. Lisbon, December 6, 1877. Report: Imports from the United States might be increased; the trade in cottons and printing-cloths; exports to the United States; the Douro vintage for 1877. 131

san domingo.

No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
43 Mr. Clark to Mr. Hunter. Samana, October 15, 1877. Report: Trade facilities of Samaria Bay; imports and exports. 132


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
44 Mr. Byers to Mr. Evarts Berne, October 17, 1877. Report: The staple necessaries of Switzerland, fuel, breadstuffs, meat, &c.; communication via the St. Gothard tunnel; development of trade with the United States dependent on reciprocal consumption of Swiss products, silk, &c. 136


No. From whom and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
45 Mr. Maynard to Mr. Evarts. Constantinople, November 26, 1877. Report: Turkish commerce; importance of steamer-lines; American exports; opportunities for American cottons in Turkey; Turkish exports of carpets and woolen fabrics: English competition. 140
46 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Hunter. Constantinople, October 28, 1877. Report: Few opportunities of increasing Turkish exports; increase practicable in imports of cottons and minor wares; possibilities of large trade with Persia; the Persian channels of trade. 144