No. 91.
The President to the Emperor of Germany.

Great and Good Friend: Your letter of June 9, in which you were pleased to offer your cordial congratulations upon the occasion of the Centennial anniversary which we have recently celebrated, was placed in my hands on the 4th of July, and its contents were perused with unfeigned satisfaction.

Such expressions of sympathy for the past progress of this country and of good wishes for its further welfare, as are contained in that communication, are the more gratifying because they proceed from the head of a great empire with which this Republic during the whole century of its existence has maintained relations of peace and friendship, which have been conspicuous alike in prosperity and in adversity, and have become continually firmer with the increasing progress and prosperity of both countries. It is my sincere desire that this mutual cordiality and this prosperity, which have been the lot of the two countries during the first century of our Independence, may be vouchsafed to them during the century which is to come. Wishing you a long reign of health and happiness, I pray God that He may have Your Majesty in His safe and holy keeping.