No. 240.
The Emperor of Russia to the President.


Mr. President: At the moment when the people of the United States celebrate the centennial period of their national existence, I desire to express to you the sentiments with which I take part in this celebration. The people of the United States may contemplate with pride the immense progress which their energy has achieved within the period of a century. I especially rejoice that, during this centennial period, the friendly relations of our respective countries have never suffered interruption, but, on the contrary, have made themselves manifest by proofs of mutual good will.

I, therefore, cordially congratulate the American people in the person of their President, and I pray that the friendship of the two countries may increase with their prosperity.

I embrace this occasion to offer to you, at the same time, the assurance of my sincere esteem and of my high consideration.


His Excellency General Grant.