No. 239.
Mr. Shishkin to Mr. Cadwalader.

No. 139.]

Mr. Assistant Secretary: The mail of this morning has just put me in possession of a letter of congratulation, which His Majesty the Emperor addresses to His Excellency the President of the United States on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the independence of this country.

The tardy reception of the message of my august master having deprived me of the satisfaction of personally putting it in the hands of His Excellency General Grant on the 4th of July, I hasten to forward under cover to you, Mr. Assistant Secretary of State, a copy for your information, begging you at the same time to be kind enough to send the letter of His Majesty to its distinguished destination, and to offer on that occasion to the President my personal congratulations on the occasion of the glorious anniversary which has just been celebrated by the American people.

I seize this occasion, Mr. Assistant Secretary, to beg you to accept the assurance of my very high consideration.