No. 236.
Mr. Boker
to Mr. Fish.
St. Petersburg, February 25, 1876. (Received March 20.)
Sir: I have the honor to inclose to yon herewith, marked 1, two copies of the budget of the Russian Empire for the year 1876, according to which a surplus of receipts is expected amounting to 86,170 rubles.
The expectation is that the receipts, excluding those from special resources devoted to the construction of railways and ports, will be about 559,000,000 rubles, or 8,000,000 more than were anticipated for 1875. In 1874, the account for which has been made up, they actually amounted to more than 557,000,000 rubles.
The ordinary expenses, exclusive of the temporary extraordinary expenses for railways, which always correspond to the sum of the special resources stated on the other side of the budget, are expected to be 559,000,000 rubles, while for 1875 they were expected to be nearly 548,000,000 rubles. In 1874 these expenses actually amounted to 543,000,000 rubles, so that there was a surplus of more than 14,000,000 rubles, whereas one of 3,000,000 only had been anticipated.
The budget for 1876 seems to have been made up with more care than usual, and with an evident anxiety to limit the unforeseen expenses, and not to exaggerate the anticipated income. * * * * *
I have, &c.,