No. 142.
Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Fish.

No. 103.]

Sir: Referring, to your dispatch No. 887 and to your telegram of the 2d instant, I have the honor to inform you that this dispatch was received [Page 251] on Saturday, and the duplicate on Monday. In the course of Monday I had a copy prepared, and, having made an appointment with him for that purpose, read the amended dispatch to Lord Derby, and left a copy with him on Tuesday the 6th instant.

Lord Derby requested me to read only the principal parts of your dispatch, as he should read it over. I read about one-half of it, giving him the heads of the arguments and reading in detail all new matter, especially your quotations from Lord Stanley and Lord Cairns in the debate of 1866, on the proposed amendment to the bill to carry into effect the treaty with France. * * * *

I have, &c., &c.,