(M. 3291.)
Messrs. G.
& J. Burns to Board of
Sir: We duly received your letter of the 19th instant on the subject of sound-signals, and in reply we have to say that any good and simple arrangement whereby vessels would be guided in fog would receive our approval.
Our captains have had some experience in the United States of the system of long and short whistle-blasts as indicating the action of the vessel making them, and to some extent that system tends to facilitate the navigation of rivers; but we beg to submit for consideration the plan originated by an officer of one of our steamships as being both simple and effective, viz:
- One blast to signify, “I am steering a course between north and east.”
- Two blasts to signify, “I am steering a course between east and south.”
- Three blasts to signify, “I am steering a course between south and west.”
- Four blasts to signify, “I am steering a course between west and north.”
Any attempt to define by sound courses more exact than these would, we fear, involve unsatisfactory complications; but, altogether, we can hardly say that we are prepared to recommend any particular system for adoption in British waters.
We are, &c.,
The Secretary Board of Trade.