No. 399.
Mr. Turner
to Mr. Fish.
Monrovia, September 13, 1875. (Received October 21.)
Sir: I have the honor to report, for the information of the Department, that a well authenticated statement has this morning reached Monrovia, to the effect that Gape Palmas was assailed simultaneously at four different points on the 8th or 9th day of this month. The attacking party was composed from the Grebo tribe of Africans. After a determined contest, lasting from 7 o’clock a.m. until 3 o’clock p.m., the Grebos were repulsed, with considerable loss, at all points. The loss of the Liberian troops consists of six killed and an unknown number wounded. The Grebos are said to have been armed with excellent Snyder rifles. The contest on the part of the besieged Liberians was principally conducted with artillery; they were, therefore, able to hold the aborigines, who brought no artillery into the engagement, at considerable distance from the Liberian lines. About two hundred and fifty infantry troops and two pieces of artillery, six-pounders, were dispatched from this point on yesterday to re-en force the garrison at Gape Palmas. The secretary of state accompanied the expedition, and will participate in the campaign as captain of a company of Monrovia militia. President Gardner has been absent from the capital nearly two weeks, endeavoring to forward troops from his home at Grand Bassa. His return is momentarily expected. The alacrity with which this country responds to the call for troops presents a degree of patriotism highly commendable. It is commonly believed here that the Grebo tribe is able to raise from 5,000 to 7,000 fighting-men, albeit, however, I have no doubt the absence of a sufficient supply of proper arms will prevent their making so large a number of warriors available in the field at any one time. When assembled at their rendezvous, the Liberian troops, judging from present appearances, will probably be found to number 1,000 tolerably well-armed men, whose artillery-arm is composed of very fair field-pieces, manned in some instances by men of some experience in war.
I have. &c.,