Alphabetical Index.


  • Acapulco:
    • attack on the Protestant church at; interview between Mr. Foster and the Mexican minister of foreign affairs 855858
    • correspondence on the subject 859863
    • further correspondence on the same subject 865873
  • Alabama claims:
  • Alfonso, Don:
    • called to the throne of Spain 10301084
    • his decree appointing a ministry 1093
  • Anti-Slavery Society:
    • the United States requested to participate in a conference to be held in London 585
    • same subject; too late for the United States to send representatives 590
  • Arbitration:
    • motion in respect to the principle introduced in the Dutch Chamber of Deputies 987
  • Argentine Republic:
    • election for President and Vice-President 3
    • inauguration of President Avellaneda 9
    • acts of violence against the Jesuits at Buenos Ayres 22
    • celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the independence of the republic 34
    • treaty concluded by Dr. Tejedor rejected by the Paraguayan government 37
    • suppression of the rebellion 19
    • amnesty issued by President Avellaneda 22
    • revolutionary events 4, 6, 17
  • Asylum:
    • right of, case of Mr. Poso in Bolivia 87
    • refused to insurgents at La Paz 89
    • (See Canal; Lamothe.)
  • Austria-Hungary:
    • ministerial crisis 48
    • financial troubles 48
  • Avellaneda, Dr. Don Nicolas:
    • his inauguration as President of the Argentine Republic 9
    • his speech at the opening of the Argentine Congress 28


  • Barbary States. (See Morocco; Tripoli; Tunis.)
  • Basle, Bishop of:
    • appeal to the Federal Assembly of Switzerland for his restoration 1282
  • Batcheller, George S.:
    • his arrival in Egypt and presentation to the minister for foreign affairs 1345
  • Belgium:
    • prize offered by the King for intellectual researches 71
    • notification of the termination of the treaty of 1858 with the United States 72
  • Bolivia:
    • military outbreak at La Paz 73
    • defeat of the revolutionists under General Quevedo 77
    • second revolt at La Paz and burning of the palace 84
  • Boker, George H.:
    • communication addressed to him by American missionaries and teachers upon his departure from Constantinople 1297
  • Biddle, Thomas:
    • United States minister to Ecuador; his warm reception by President Morena 442
  • Bolivia:
    • defeat of the insurgents at Youngar and Cochabamba 87, 89
  • Boundary:
    • question between Switzerland and Italy 749
    • opinion of Mr. Marsh, umpire in the case 750754
  • Brazil:
    • conventions between Brazil and certain foreign powers for the settlement of estates no longer in force 90
    • failure of the legislative chambers to pass appropriation bills before adjournment 92
    • finances of the empire 92, 113115
    • revenue system 94
    • conflict between the church and state 97
    • disturbances in; relations with the River Plate republics 105
    • depression in commercial affairs 106
    • review of the finances 106
    • extra session of the Legislative Assembly 107
    • difficulty with the Argentine Republic 108, 113115
    • law for the punishment of certain acts committed by foreigners beyond the jurisdiction of Brazil 123
  • Brice, General:
    • his death from the effects of a wound received in an attack on his house at Port au Prince 688
  • Brussels conference:
    • project of an international declaration regarding the laws and customs of war, protocol 10141021
    • Russian circular respecting 10221025
    • newspaper comments upon 10251034
    • proceedings of 1038
    • dispatch from Lord Derby on the subject 1041
    • reply of Prince Gortschakoff thereto 10471051
    • refusal of England to attend the conference 1051


  • Calendar:
    • adoption by Egypt of the Gregorian in place of the Coptic 1348
  • Canal, Boisrond:
    • seeks asylum in the United States legation in Hayti 686693
    • same subject: correspondence between Mr. Bassett and the Haytian minister for foreign affairs 693701
    • views of the Department of State on the affair 701
    • correspondence between the Department of State and Mr. Bassett 686708, 710727
    • a man-of-war to he sent to Port au Prince 728
    • sailing of the Powhatan 729
    • settlement of the matter and embarkation of the refugees 734, 748
    • correspondence between the Department of State and the Haytian minister on the subject 737748
  • Canals:
    • in the United States, use of, by British subjects 642
  • Capron, Horace:
    • audience granted to him by the Tenno of Japan 795
    • his correspondence with Governor Kuroda 796
  • Carlists:
    • proceedings of King Alfonso’s government against 11281133
  • Central American States:
    • satisfaction to be demanded of Honduras for the insult offered to the United States consulate at Omoa 127, 128, 142
    • postal service of Guatemala 127
    • salute fired to the British flag for the outrage upon Mr. Magee, British vice-consul at San José de Guatemala 128
    • earthquake in Guatemala 129
    • boundary question between Guatemala and Mexico 133
    • contract to build a railroad from San José to Guatemala 134
    • exploration of mounds near Guatemala 135
    • public schools of Guatemala 137, 148
    • attempt to overthrow the government of Costa Rica 139
    • differences between Nicaragua and Costa Rica 152
    • settlement of the affair at Omoa; salute to the American flag 157, 168.
    • reception of Don Juan J. Garza special envoy from Mexico to Guatemala 164
    • immunity enjoyed by the perpetrators of the outrage at Omoa 167
    • boundary question between Nicaragua and Costa Rica; Chili proposed as arbiter 168
    • decree re-organizing the University of Guatemala 175
  • Chihli:
    • an English subject employed to purchase machinery to work the coalmines in the province 235, 265
  • Chili:
    • theTacna affair 177
    • amendment to the penal-code bill, favorable to the clergy 179
    • the Tacna affair; the Emperor of Germany selected as arbitrator 199
    • postal convention with Germany; necessity for one with the United States 181
    • settlement of the Chileno-Peruvian difficulty by the arbitration of the United States minister 185
    • same subject: full text of the decision and award of the arbiter 188
  • Chimi:
    • settlement of the affair at; good results thereof 236
  • China:
    • the United States minister’s presentation of the President’s autograph letter to the Emperor 228
    • Wang-yen-ping; instructions to the United States legation adverse to the request of the Chinese government 235
    • illness and death of the Emperor 243, 244, 250
    • state of affairs since the death of the Emperor 287
    • the United States minister represents that the liberal treatment of Chinese in the United States should be reciprocated toward United States citizens in China 340
    • same subject: Mr. Avery’s course approved 399
    • exhibition at Tien-tsin of a picture representing the massacre of foreigners, protest of the United States consul and proclamation of the governor of Chihli on the subject 345347
    • same subject, comments of the Department of State 400
    • trial of cases affecting citizens of the United States and Chinese, interpretation of article 28 of the treaty with the United States 347
    • insurrection in Manchuria 374
    • indications of a progressive spirit 376
    • commission from Japan to inspect several departments of the Chinese government 401
    • loan of the government from foreigners 408
    • neutrality of European settlements in China in the event of war with Japan 771
  • Chin-kiang:
    • disturbance at 391
  • Cipher:
    • alleged prohibition of the use of, in the transmission of telegrams between the United States and Turkey 1293
  • Citizenship. (See Military service; Grübel; Kastellan; Taxes.)
  • Cochabamba. (See Bolivia.)
  • Coffee:
    • proposed duty on, imported into the United States 99, 104
    • exported from Brazil to the United States and its consumption 103, 117
  • Coinage:
    • withdrawal of certain denominations from circulation in Denmark 441
  • Collins, Rear-Admiral:
    • his death 1002
    • funeral honors paid to his remains at Lima 10021006
  • Colombia:
    • claim of Cotesworth & Powell against 417, 423
    • riot at Bogotá 419
    • meeting of the Colombian Congress and message of the President 420
    • political affairs 422
    • finances 424
    • presidential contest and secession projects of the Nunez adherents 431
    • outbreak and progress of the revolution 431, 436439
    • violent earthquake 434
  • Cooly-traffic:
    • between China and Cuba 292
    • further negotiations on the subject 356
    • supposed absence of, between Peru and Cuba 999
  • Cortina:
  • Cuba:


  • Danube, the:
    • new bed opened 55
  • Darfour:
  • Declaration of Paris:
    • debate in Parliament thereon 616631
  • Denmark:
    • law passed by the Rigsdag respecting street-railroads 440
    • change of ministry 441
  • Deportation:
    • of political offenders against the Spanish government 11091114
  • Detroit:
    • the river, removal of obstructions in 646
  • Diplomatic precedence:
  • “Dora,” the:
    • Italian transport, arrives at Tangier 62


  • Ecuador:
    • reception of the newly-arrived United States minister by President Morena 442
  • Egypt:
    • measures contemplated by the government for unifying the postal service of the country 1333
    • adhesion of the French government to the project of judicial reform 13211326, 1347
    • adhesion of Greece to the judicial reform 1335
    • officers composing the new tribunals 1336, 1342
    • revised civil code 1337
    • adhesion of Italy to the judicial reform 1341
    • organization of the new tribunals 13421344, 1345
    • adoption of the Gregorian calendar 1348
  • Emigrants:
    • to Venezuela who receive the benefit of the immigration laws are claimed by the Government as citizens 1363, 1370, 1373
  • Emigration:
    • of objectionable persons to the United States 55
    • from China to the United States, act of Congress on the subject to be communicated to the Chinese government 316
    • act of Congress communicated to the British government 635
    • same subject: the act to be communicated to the Japanese government 791
    • publication of the act in Russia 1075
  • Emperor, the:
    • of Austria’s visit to Italy and Dalmatia 49, 53, 56
    • of China, his illness and death 243, 244, 250
  • Escobilla:
    • properties of the plant 132
  • Extradition:
    • treaty of, between the United States and Great Britain does not permit the extradition of a criminal to Japan nor make any provision for the crime of embezzlement 817, 821


  • Finances:
    • of Brazil 106
    • of the River Plate republics 108
    • of Colombia 424
    • of France 447
    • of Mexico 937
    • of Peru 1000
    • of Russia 1057
  • Fishing regulations, Japanese 819
  • Flores, Juan:
    • application for the extradition of 913916
  • Formosa:
    • settlement of the Formosan difficulty between China and Japan, terms of agreement 221
    • correction of a passage in the address of Okuma Shigenobu, president of the Formosan commission, to the Emperor of Japan 784786
  • France:
    • political affairs 454460
    • proceedings in the legislative assembly 460
    • text of the constitutional laws as adopted 463
    • friendly intervention of Great Britain between France and Germany 636640
    • adhesion of the French government to the project of judicial reform in Egypt 13211326
    • opposition to the reform in the National Assembly 1347
  • Frias, President:
    • his victorious entry into La Paz 78


  • Garibaldi:
    • his visit at Rome 762
  • “G. C. Trufant,” the:
  • Geographical Congress:
    • the United States invited to participate 477
    • appointment of representatives from the United States 478
  • Germany:
    • offer of testimonials to United States diplomatic and consular officers in France for services rendered during the Franco-German war 453
    • military laws of 533
    • church laws of 538543
    • political affairs in 549
  • Grebo tribe, the:
    • declares war and commences hostilities against Liberia 832
    • causes of the contest and conjectures as to its result 833, 834
    • repulse of their attack on Cape Palmas 835
    • the Secretary of the Navy requested to order a man-of-war to Cape Palmas 836
  • Greece:
    • grand ball at the royal palace at Athens 657
    • review of the political situation 658
    • the ceremonies at Easter Eve 662
    • arrival of the French Mediterranean squadron 663
    • present condition and future prospects of the kingdom 664669
  • Grübel, Edward:
  • Guardia, President:
    • his message to the Costa Rican Congress 171
  • Guatemala. (See Central American States.)


  • Haber, L.:
    • his murder at Hakodadi 765
  • Hall, Captain Francis:
    • award of a gold medal to, by the Geographical Society of Paris 466
  • Hamilton, Alexander D.:
    • protected from arrest by General Cortina 844
  • Hawaiian Islands:
    • reciprocity treaty with the United States; arrival of the commission at Honolulu 678
  • Hayti:
    • destructive fire at Port au Prince 679
    • arrival of a British fleet at Port au Prince 680
    • convocation of the National Constituent Assembly in extraordinary session 683
    • a violent hurricane visits the island 730
  • Hebrews:
    • improvement of their position proposed in Russia 10541057
  • Herzegovina:
    • the insurrection in 57
  • Hogg, Thomas:
    • his report upon the flora of Yesso and Niphon 789
  • Hohenlohe, Prince:
    • his letter to the United States minister in France, respecting testimonials from the German government to United States diplomatic and consular officers for their services during the Franco-German war 454
  • Holmes, J.:
    • alleged illegal arrest of, in Sonora by persons from Arizona 985
  • Honduras. (See Central American States.)
  • Horning, Professor J.:
    • his essay on the German note of the 3d February to Belgium 1062
  • Hunting regulations, Japanese:
    • correspondence and protocol respecting 773776
    • subject submitted by foreign representatives to their respective governments 779


  • Independence:
    • twenty-fifth anniversary of, celebrated at Buenos Ayres 34
    • fifty-third anniversary of, celebrated in Guatemala 131
    • of the United States celebrated at Montevideo 1362
  • Indian depredations:
  • Instruction:
    • in the Netherlands 989
    • decree issued by the Spanish government respecting professional instruction 11201123
    • in Sweden and Norway 1270
  • International Railroad Company:
    • contract between the Mexican executive and Edward L. Plumb submitted to the Mexican Congress 853
    • ratification of the contract by the Mexican Congress 927
    • terms of agreement 930937
  • Islay:
    • attack upon the custom-house at 1002
  • Italy:
    • is willing to act in concert with the other western powers in Japanese affairs 754
    • opening of the Parliament 759


  • Japan:
    • commission from Japan arrives in China to inspect several departments of the Chinese government 401
    • necessity for a co-operative policy on the part of the treaty powers in 580
    • absence of the United States minister’s name from a joint note addressed to the minister of foreign affairs respecting the arrest of the British minister’s servant 583
    • abolition of examination of witnesses by torture 766
    • notification issued by the Japanese government to Chinese subjects in Japan, assuring them of their safety in case of war with China 769
    • notification respecting Formosa 770
    • neutrality of European settlements in Japan in the event of war with China 771
    • correspondence between the minister and consul-general of the United States respecting certain regulations, suggested by the latter, to be enforced upon American citizens residing at Yokohama 777
    • same subject: course of the minister approved by the Secretary of State 782
    • same subject: order in council of Queen Victoria 791793
    • further correspondence on the same subject 798809
    • decree of the prime minister announcing the establishment of certain reforms 794
    • correction of a passage in the address of Okuma Shigenobu, president of the Formosan commission, to the Emperor of Japan 784786
    • withdrawal of British and French force at Yokohama 787
    • badges of merit issued by the Tenno 797
    • fishing regulations 819
    • arrest of Hon. W. A. Richardson and Commander R. F. R. Lewis, U. S. N., at Hachoji; the official who ordered the arrest dismissed 821825
    • correspondence on the subject between the United States minister and the Japanese government 823828
  • Jesuits:
    • acts of violence against them at Buenos Ayres 22
    • their expulsion from Costa Rica 174


  • Kaid Jilaly Ben Hamo:
    • Pasha of Tangier, his energy in dealing with the disturbances in his province 62
  • Kalakaua, King:
    • His Majesty’s visit to the United States 669, 671
    • departure from Honolulu 671
    • his arrival at San Francisco 672
    • his return to Honolulu 672
    • tenders thanks to Government of the United States for courtesies extended to him 673
    • his address to the people of Honolulu; their resolution of thanks to the United States 674
  • Kastellan, Jacob and Herman:
    • case of naturalization 577
  • Kickapoo Indians:
    • correspondence respecting the removal of a part of the tribe remaining in Mexico 842
    • disposition of the local authorities in Mexico to thwart their removal 894897
    • representations on the subject addressed to the Mexican government by the United States minister 919
    • the Mexican government declines to extradite them 939943
  • Kiu-kiang:
    • violence toward American missionaries at 383
  • Kung, Prince:
    • his degradation and restoration to power 200
  • Kurile Islands:
    • ceded to Russia by Japan 1065


  • Labrador:
    • boundary line between, and the Dominion of Canada 643
  • Lafayette:
    • restoration of his watch to the eldest survivor of his family 444, 449, 454
  • Lamothe, General:
    • accused of want of fidelity as minister of Nissage Saget, President of Hayti, takes refuge in the British legation 682
    • he is allowed to return to his home 683
    • approval by Lord Derby of the asylum granted to him 724
  • Lancaster, the United States frigate:
    • thanks tendered to Baron Ivanheima and Dr. Rocha for services rendered to the vessel 126
  • Lanus, Señor:
    • attempt to assassinate him 3
  • La Paz. (See Bolivia.)
  • “Lathley Rich,” the:
  • Laura Pride, the schooner:
  • Leiva, Ponciano:
    • his election to the Presidency of Honduras 141
  • Lew-Chew Islands:
    • difficulty on the subject apprehended between China and Japan 313
    • Japan to assert complete jurisdiction over the islands 331
    • instructions of the Secretary of State to the United States minister in China 398
  • Lerdo de Tejada, President:
    • his speech at the opening of the Mexican Congress 892
    • his speech on the meeting of the eighth National Congress 948
  • Liberia:
    • biennial elections 830
  • Long, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles:
    • his journey to Lake Victoria and Ugunda 13261330
  • Loudon, Mr.:
    • his resignation of the governor-generalship of the Dutch East Indies 937


  • Mac Mahon, President:
  • Magee. (See Central American States.)
  • Manchuria:
    • insurrection in 374
  • Maracaibo:
    • closed to foreign commerce 13661369
  • Margary:
    • murder of 310
    • action of the British minister respecting the matter 318
  • “Maria Luz,” the Peruvian bark:
    • decision of the Emperor of Russia in the case of 1066
  • Maritime jurisdiction:
    • six-mile limit claimed by Spain 641, 649
  • Marriage:
    • of United States citizens at the United States legations 442, 445
    • in foreign countries, opinion of the United States minister to Italy respecting the legality of 755759
    • same subject: instruction of the Secretary of State to the United States minister at Rome 761
    • same subject: manner of filling consular certificates 764
    • Russian law for the registration of, among the dissenters from the orthodox church 1021
    • decree of King Alfonso XII respecting the registry of the children born of canonical marriages 1099
    • in Switzerland 1285
  • Marsh, George P.:
    • United States minister to Italy; his opinion as umpire in the Italo-Swiss boundary question 750754
  • Martin Garcia:
    • the island of, is armed by the Argentines 3, 107, 109
  • Mediterranean, the:
    • proposed connection of, with the desert of Sahara 6468
  • Mennonites:
    • organized for forest cultivation in Russia 1062
  • Message:
    • of the President, incorrect versions transmitted to Europe by telegraph 47, 452
    • received with satisfaction in Chili 181
  • Metrical system:
    • of weights and measures; invitation of France to the United States to attend the metrical conference at Paris 474
    • invitation accepted; appointment of the United States minister at Paris to represent the United States at the conference 476
    • adoption of, by the Egyptian government 1350
  • Mexico:
    • boundary question with Guatemala 133
    • amendments to the constitution creating a senate ratified by a large majority of the States 836840
    • political affairs 845
    • “laws of reform” 848852
    • proceedings in the Congress 925
    • report upon the finances 937
    • colonization law for the encouragement of immigration 938
    • meeting of the eighth National Congress, and speech of President Lerdo 948
    • difficulty among the different branches of the government 950
    • revolutions in various parts of the country 951
  • Michoacan:
  • Military service:
    • cases of persons claiming to be United States citizens summoned for, in Germany 487
    • same subject: opinion of the Secretary of State 488
    • same subject: various cases which have come before the United States legation at Berlin 566
  • Ministry:
    • change of, in Denmark 441
    • change of, in France 464
    • the same, in Spain 1082
  • Missionaries:
    • their rights beyond the limits of the treaty-ports 332
    • correspondence with the United States consul at Foo-chow on the subject 334
    • same subject: the United States minister at Peking discourages the tendency to establish permanent missions in the interior of China 337
    • violence against, at Kiu-kiang and Shui-chang 383
    • approval of the Secretary of State of Mr. Avery’s course 398
    • proclamation of the governor of Fuhkien respecting their treatment 402
  • Mississippi, the:
    • commission for the improvement of, their arrival and courteous reception at Vienna 41
  • Mitre:
    • manifesto and proclamation issued by him 15, 18
    • his defeat and surrender 19
  • Montenegrins:
    • stand taken by Russia in regard to them 1035, 1046
  • “Montijo,” the:
  • Morgan & Watkins:
    • measures taken by the Mexican government for their safety 540, 846848
  • Morocco:
    • correspondence between the government and the foreign representatives respecting the disturbances in Tangier 59
    • measures to prevent the plague 61
  • Morris, Henry:
    • his murder at Acapulco 865, 866, 868
    • correspondence respecting the arrest of his murderers 881, 884
    • neglect of the Mexican government to bring them to justice 888
  • Mosquito Territory:
    • attempted revolution in 129, 140, 143, 149
    • dispatch from the United States consular agent at San Juan del Norte respecting the affair 156
    • attitude of Great Britain toward 631


  • National Assembly:
    • of France, reconvening of 447
    • proceedings in 460
    • text of the constitutional laws as adopted 463
    • constitutional bills introduced therein 466
    • debate upon claims of Frenchmen who suffered losses in the rebellion in the United States 472
  • Naval salutes:
    • agreed upon by the United States and British governments 656, 657
  • Netherlands:
    • claim of Venezuela against 1378, 1380
    • proceedings in the States-General 988
    • gold introduced as a money standard 989
  • New-chwang:
    • removal of an American from the pilot service of the port for an assault on a Chinese woman 205
    • same subject: opinion of the Secretary of State 248
  • Nicaragua. (See Central American States.)
  • Nueces:
  • Nuncio, the:
    • arrival of, at Madrid, his presentation to the King, and his reception of the diplomatic corps 1115
    • his circular to the Spanish bishops 1139



  • Pardo, President:
    • his message to the Peruvian Congress upon the financial embarrassments of Peru 1000
  • Parliament:
    • the British, opening of 590
    • the Italian, opening of 759
  • Peking:
    • assault upon foreigners at the Chinese capital 396
  • Peña:
  • Peru:
    • thanks of German government to that of the United States for protection of German interest in Peru 576, 577
    • attempt to assassinate the President 991
    • revolutionary movement 993999
    • message of President Pardo upon the finances of the country 1000
  • Pierre, General P. Monplaisir:
    • killed at Port au-Prince in an attack on his house 687
  • Poland:
    • judicial reform in 1060
  • Polaris expedition, the:
    • stores of, desired by the British expedition of 1875 649
    • same subject; use of, accorded by the United States Government 650652
  • Pope, the:
    • his encyclical letter to the archbishops and bishops of Prussia 507
    • his encyclical letter to the bishops and clergy of Switzerland 1285
  • Port de Paix:
    • indignity offered to the British vice-consul at 685
  • Porto Rico:
    • indemnification of the masters of the slaves emancipated on the island 1135
    • text of the law of emancipation 1137
    • condition of the island compared with Cuba 1138
  • Portugal:
    • act of the Cortes granting unconditional freedom to the Portuguese slaves known as freedmen 10061011
    • celebration at Lisbon of the landing of the troops of the Duke of Terceira, in July, 1833 1012
  • Potato-beetle:
    • information respecting, furnished to the Swiss minister at Vienna 45
  • President, the. (See Message; Proclamation.)
  • Proclamation:
    • of the President for extending the session of the court of Alabama claims 1
  • Pronunciamientos, military:
    • decree against, in Spain 1101


  • Quevedo, General:
    • proclaimed President of Bolivia 73
    • his defeat 77


  • Raasloff:
    • his mission to Peking for the protection of Danish telegraphs in China 237
    • his correspondence with the United States minister respecting the protection of submarine telegraphs 352
  • Rappeport, J. M.:
    • correspondence respecting his case 810812
  • Rémusat, Count de:
    • his funeral; sketch of his career 470
  • Reciprocity treaty:
    • between the United States and Canada: Senate resolves not to recommend 653
    • with the Hawaiian Islands 678
  • Religious toleration:
    • in Spain, circular of the papal nuncio at Madrid to the Spanish bishops 1139
    • in the United States, article from “El Impartial1142
    • in the Turkish dominions 12941297
  • Reynolds, R. M.:
    • his correspondence with the Bolivian government respecting the arrest of his servant 76, 7981
    • his refusal to mediate on behalf of the insurgents 81
    • his action respecting protection asked of the legation 89
  • Rio Grande, the:
    • depredations on 899910, 913916, 943946
    • the Secretary of State suggests the occupation of a part of the Mexican territory by United States troops 925
    • case of Toribio Lozano presented by the Mexican minister 954973
    • reply of the Secretary of State on the subject 973
    • further correspondence respecting 978, 980984
    • alleged murder of Mateo Robles and Gabriel Leyva 974978
    • note of the Secretary of State on the subject 980
  • Robert College:
    • closing exercises for the year 1306
  • Rocha, General Sostenes:
    • his arrest for complicity in a conspiracy against the government 885
  • Rogatory commissions:
    • declaration between Russia and Italy for the execution of 1014
  • Roman Catholics:
    • expulsion of ecclesiastics from the canton of Berne, Switzerland 12821284
    • same subject: the federal council of Switzerland directs the revocation of the decree of expulsion 1289
    • same subject: action of the Volksverein, and appeal to the Federal Assembly 1290
    • action of the Federal Assembly 1292
  • Russia:
    • finances of the empire 1057
    • new consolidated railway loan issued by the government 1064
    • visit of the King of Sweden 1067, 1266


  • Sahara:
    • desert of, proposed connection with the Mediterranean 64
  • Sarmiento:
    • his farewell address as President of the Argentine Republic 9
  • Scherer, Mr.:
    • elected President of the Swiss Confederation 1281
  • Schools. (See Instruction.)
  • Shui-chang:
    • attack on the Methodist Episcopal mission 383
  • Simonoseki indemnity:
    • proposed appropriation of the increase in the fund to educational purposes in Japan 783
  • Sisters of Charity:
    • by request of the French minister in Washington, the United States minister in Mexico is instructed to obtain an extension of time for their departure from Mexico 475, 478, 854, 863
    • protest against their expulsion 876
    • newspaper comments on the subject 876881
  • Slave-trade:
    • in the Barbary states 6264
    • list of British vessels employed in the suppression of 654
    • co-operation of Portugal in the suppression of 1011
  • Spain:
    • attitude of Russia toward 1035
    • mission of the Marquis de la Vega de Armijo to France 1079
    • change of government 10801084, 1103, 1143
    • difficulties to he dealt with by the government of King Alfonso 10841089
    • decree of the King appointing his ministry 1093
    • meeting of the diplomatic corps at Madrid respecting the reception of the new King 1091
    • correspondence between Mr. Cushing and Mr. Castro respecting the necessity of new credentials 1094
    • acts and decrees touching the relations between the new government and the Roman Catholic Church 10951098
    • circular of the new government authorizing precautionary measures in reference to persons engaged in acts of agitation 1100.
    • re-organization of the ministry of state 1103
    • recognition of the government of Don Alfonso by the United States 1107, 1115
    • review of past diplomatic relations with the United States 11231128
    • royal decree in regard to the retaliatory confiscation of the property of Carlists 1128
    • circular respecting the execution of the said decree 1131
    • royal order on the same subject 1133
  • Statistical congress:
    • to be held at Pesth postponed until 1876 1074
  • Steinkauler, Arthur:
    • opinion of the Attorney-General on his case 563
  • Stephens, Rev. John L.:
    • delay in the punishment of his assassins 854
    • death sentence passed upon his marderers confirmed by the supreme court of Mexico 927
  • Stockholm:
    • rates of fire insurance and building regulations in the city 1257
    • description of the houses 1258
    • fire department 1259
    • visit of Rear-Admiral Worden 1261
  • Sweden and Norway:
    • criminal statistics of 12631266
    • finances; enactments of the Storthing 1267
    • public debt of the kingdom 1268
    • elections of members of the Riksdag; cabinet changes 1269
    • royal ordinance respecting the admeasurement of vessels 12701274
    • exemption of United States vessels from admeasurement 1274
  • Switzerland:
    • summary of the law re-organizing the federal judiciary 12751278
    • legislative measures before the Federal Assembly 12781280
    • election of members of the new federal tribunal 1280
    • election of President and Vice-President of the Swiss Confederation 1281
    • enactments concerning marriage 1287
    • law respecting citizenship 1288


  • Tacna. (See Chili.)
  • Tangier. (See Morocco.)
  • Taxes:
    • levied upon United States citizens residing in Germany 479
  • Tehuantepec railroad:
    • extension of time and subsidy granted to it by the Mexican Congress 853
  • Tejedor, Doctor:
    • his mission to Brazil 3, 24, 25, 36
  • Telegraphs:
    • correspondence on the subject of, between the United States legation and the Chinese government 223
    • agreement between the Great Northern Telegraph Company and the Chinese authorities to construct a line between Foo-chow and Amoy 223
    • difficulties of the company 226
    • mission of General de Raasloff, at Peking, for the protection of the Danish lines in operation in China 237, 274
    • same subject: interference with the work on the railway and telegraph between Woosung and Shanghai 275
    • action of the foreign representatives in China for the protection of the Danish lines 260, 263, 328
    • purchase of the Foo-chow-Amoy line by the Chinese government 267, 278, 329, 412
    • agreement between the company and the Chinese government that the Foo-chow-Amoy line shall be completed under the auspices of that government 342
    • correspondence between the Danish and United States ministers in China respecting the protection of submarine telegraphs 352
    • the taotai of Shanghai directs the protection of those within his jurisdiction 411
    • conference respecting submarine cables to be held at St. Petersburg 1069, 1076
    • same subject: report of Mr. Schuyler upon 10701074
  • Tenno, the:
    • the foreign diplomatic officers in Japan offer their congratulations to His Majesty on New Year’s day 782
  • Testimony:
    • taking of, by commissioners appointed by United States courts not allowed in Germany 537, 562, 573
  • Tien-tsin:
    • the customs-taotai’s proclamation, and disturbance to trade caused thereby 288
  • Torture:
    • abolition of, in Japan, in the examination of witnesses 766
  • Transit of Venus:
    • as observed at Peking by American and French astronomers 241
    • facilities requested for United States observers in Australia and Java 579
    • orders issued on the subject to the colonies of Victoria and South Australia 581, 582
    • courtesies extended to the United States expedition in New Zealand 640
    • permission granted to the United States expedition to visit any part of Japanese territory 767
    • thanks tendered by the Navy Department for the same 772
    • the United States minister in Japan obtains permission from the government to allow the Mexican expedition to establish stations for observation 780
  • Treaty of Washington:
    • indemnity awarded to British subjects paid in full by the Treasury of the United States 655
  • Tripoli:
    • the affair at; the Porte telegraphs to the governor-general to do immediate justice to the United States consul 13071309
    • newspaper comments on the affair 13111316
    • the Pasha’s subjection to the Sublime Porte never acknowledged by the United States 1310, 1316
    • instruction of the Secretary of State to the United States minister at Constantinople 1316
    • Navy Department requested to order the departure of the men-of-war at Tripoli, by request of the Turkish minister 1320
  • Tunis:
    • proposed connection of the Mediterranean with the desert of Sahara, at Gabes 6468
    • recall of the French chargé d’affaires for alleged connection with certain reports respecting the regency of Tunis 68, 69
    • the consular residence, offered by the Bey as a gift to the United States, accepted by the President 70
  • Turkey:
    • executive orders of the Ottoman government prohibiting and regulating the import and export of certain articles 1298
    • protest of American citizens respecting the order concerning importation and publication of books 1299


  • Uniates:
    • a large number of, join the orthodox church of Russia; union of nearly the whole body to the orthodox church of Russia 1061
  • Universities:
    • of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, gathering of the students at Stockholm 1260
  • Unseaworthy vessels:
    • prevention of their use 653
  • Upton, General:
    • and suite visit Japan 828
    • acknowledgment of courtesies extended to them 829
  • Uruguay:
    • revolution in 13521357
    • message of President Varela 1357
    • issue of legal-tender notes for the payment of internal debts 1360


  • Van Lansberge, Mr.:
    • his appointment as governor-general of the East Indian colonies of the Netherlands 987
  • Venezuela:
    • opinion of the Colombian envoy respecting the payment of the debt of Venezuela to the United States 430
    • proclamation of President Blanco to the army 1364
    • decree of the President closing the ports of Maracaibo and La Vela de Coro to foreign commerce 1366
    • the United States minister instructed to demand the payment of the sum deposited to the account of claims of United States citizens 1369
    • he makes the demand 1374
    • reply of the minister for foreign affairs 1375
    • interview between the Secretary of State and the minister from Venezuela in regard to the claims of the United States citizens 13751377
    • claim against the Netherlands 1378, 1380
    • effects of the earthquake of May 18 1379
    • payment of the sum demanded by the United States 13811384
  • Victoria, Queen:
    • Her Majesty’s speech at the assembling of Parliament 590, 591
  • Victor Emmanuel, King:
    • his speech at the opening of the Italian Parliament 760
  • Vidal, Michel:
    • his journey along the African coast 6264
    • his humane conduct at Bingasi 1318
    • his difficulty at Tilpoli. (See Tripoli.)
  • Vienna Exposition:
    • medals and diplomas awarded to American exhibitors 4244
  • Virginius, the steamer:
    • orders of Rear-Admiral Scott to Captain Whiting to proceed to Bahia Honda in the Worcester for the purpose of receiving the Virginius 1144
    • Captain Whiting’s official report of his reception of the vessel 1144
    • Lieutenant-Commander Woodrow’s report of the foundering of the Virginius 11451147
    • naval court of inquiry ordered on the subject 1147, 1148
    • report of the court 11481153
    • correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Spanish minister at Washington respecting indemnification claimed by the latter for alleged injury committed by the Virginius, and assumed relations of the United States to the Cuban insurrection 11531213
    • list of persons captured on board the Virginius 1213
    • the United States minister at Madrid instructed to make reclamation on the Spanish government for injuries to the crew and passengers of the Virginius 1216
    • note of the United States minister to the Spanish government, presenting the reclamation referred to 18
    • further correspondence on the same subject 12191228, 12351246
    • correspondence, submitted to the President, respecting the indemnity claimed by Great Britain for British subjects executed 12281234
    • indemnity granted by Spain to the United States, amounting to $80,000 12471250
    • text of agreement between the two governments 1250
    • approval and appreciation of the President expressed of the course of the minister at Madrid in effecting a successful settlement of the claim 1252
    • payment of the indemnity anticipated by the Spanish government 12521256


  • Wang-yen-ping:
    • request of the Chinese government for his extradition 202204
  • Washburne, E. B.:
    • United States minister at Paris, his remarks on the presentation of Lafayette’s watch to M. Oscar de Lafayette 451
    • is appointed to represent the United states in the metrical conference 476
  • Washington:
    • celebration of his birthday in Colombia 425
    • the same in Mexico 873
  • West Point:
    • desire of the governor of Tien-tsin for the admission of Chinese to the United States Military Academy 227, 228
  • Worden, Rear-Admiral:
    • his visit to Tangier 61
    • his visit to Saint Petersburg 1068
    • his visit to Stockholm 1261


  • Zeilah:
    • ceded by the Porte to the Khedive 1349