No. 369.
Mr. Bingham to Mr. Fish.
States Legation, Japan,
Tokei, 18th December, 1874.
(Received January 28, 1875.)
No. 164.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 151, of date the 19th
ultimo, in relation to the revised hunting regulations and protocol
submitted to the foreign representatives by the minister for foreign
affairs, I have the honor to report that it was finally agreed among the
foreign representatives to
[Page 780]
severally to the minister for foreign affairs, substantially to the effect
that while the regulations proposed are deemed just and reasonable, the
proposed changes in existing treaties as to the tribunal, and penalties in
cases arising under the regulations, ought to be submitted to their
respective governments for instructions, pending which the further
discussion of the question should be postponed.
I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of my note to the minister for
foreign affairs upon the subject, dated the 30th ultimo.
I am, &c.,
[Inclosure in No. 184.]
Mr. Bingham to Mr.
States Legation,
Tokei, 30th November,
No. 115.]
Your Excellency: I have the honor to,
acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, of date the 10th instant,
inclosing a copy of the revised hunting regulations recently framed by
the Japanese government, together with a protocol in relation thereto,
which your excellency has submitted for approval to the several foreign
In concert with the other foreign representatives, having considered your
excellency’s dispatch, with its inclosures, I have the honor to inform
your excellency that, in common with my colleagues, I regard the
provisions of the hunting regulations which your excellency desires to
apply to foreigners resident in Japan as just and reasonable; but
inasmuch as the protocol proposed by your excellency for my approval
provides for certain changes in the existing treaties, I concur with my
colleagues in asking your excellency to consent to the postponement of
further discussion on the subject until all the foreign representatives
shall have made the necessary reference to their respective governments,
and shall have received such instructions and powers as may be necessary
to enable them to act upon your excellency’s propositions.
I have the honor to be, your excellences obedient servant,