No. 346.
Mr. Preston to Mr. Hunter.
Washington, August 26, 1875. (Received August 26.)
The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from Hayti, has received instructions from his government, dated Port au Prince, the 16th August, 1875, in virtue of which he must make known to the Government of the United States certain facts which are in a fair way for accomplishment, and the perfect exactitude of which the Haytian government is prepared to establish. For several days Boisrond Canal, says the government of the undersigned, and his brother, show themselves at the windows and even under the balconies of the house of Mr. Bassett; they even receive their friends there, and have constant visits in the presence of the minister, so that that residence becomes, as it were, a rendezvous where the enemies of the government conspire openly. Such a state of things would be full of dangers, and would perhaps bring about a conflict, if it were not for the discretion of the Haytian government, which awaits all from the equity and justice of the United States government. At the same time the government of the undersigned affirms that the greatest respect is observed with reference to the minister of the United States, and that all the precautions will continue to be taken for maintaining the inviolability which his official position confers on him.
The undersigned seizes this occasion to renew, &c.,