No. 682.
Mr. Russell to Mr. Fish.

No. 71.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a printed copy of a decree regulating the rights of persons who have come to Venezuela under the laws of immigration, with translation of the same. The translation omits part of the preamble. By this decree it is provided that all immigrants who have taken advantage of the laws granting favors to such persons, must remain in Venezuela one year, or repay to government their passage-money; and Venezuelan consuls abroad are directed to give information of this to immigrants destined for Venezuela.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 71.—Translation.]

Decree regulating the rights of immigrants.

I, Antonio Guzman Blanco, constitutional President of the United States of Venezuela, &c., &c., &c. Considering that experience has shown in some cases that the liberal provisions [Page 1373] which government has made to promote education are abused; that by favor of these many individuals are brought from Europe, without intending to remain in this country, nor to act in accord with the protecting views of the government, &c., &.c.


  • Article 1. Immigrants who come to the county availing of the grants which are made by the decree of the 14th of January, 1874, and other provisions as to immigration now in force, shall have no hinderance in going from the territory of the republic after one year of residence.
  • Art. 2. Those who wish to go away before the term fixed by the above article shall be obliged to repay [literally, “to the repayment of”] the cost of their passages.
  • Art. 3. Every immigrant shall obtain from the central commission in the federal district a personal schedule, in which shall be set forth his name, age, and birthplace, state, and profession; date when he is enrolled as an immigrant, and name of the vessel in which he came, his departure, and, the port of the republic where he landed. This schedule shall be issued by the president of the central commission, authorized by the secretary, and shall bear the proper consecutive number.
  • Art. 4. The president of the central commission, or those of the subordinates, shall issue a certificate to the person concerned, who asks it, stating that the immigrant has spent the term fixed for his residence in the country, or, in default thereof, repaid the cost of passage paid by the government. Said certificate ought to be authorized by the secretary of the commission, [or shall be certified.]
  • Art. 5. Immigrants, before they depart from the territory of the republic; shall go to the civil authority of the place and present the documents issued.
  • Art. 6. The civil authority, to whom the immigrant personally presents his schedule and the certificate issued by the junta, shall note on the registry all the facts which the first document expresses; and in the second, shall officially refer to the folio and date on which it is recorded, and also the name of the vessel, and the destiny whither the immigrant is bound abroad.
  • Art. 7. If the immigrant cannot obtain promptly the certificate of compliance with term of residence, because of there not being in the locality a subordinate commission of immigration, the civil authority, by the personal schedule which the immigrant presents, shall compute the time of his residence so as to be able to issue the official certificate of that which is noted on his register, [or which may be noted.]
  • Art. 8. The civil authorities that inscribe the immigrants who are about to go out of the territory of the republic, shall send monthly a full report to the minister of fomento, for the materials of immigration statistics.
  • Art. 9. The presidents of states, the collectors of maritime custom-houses, and port captains shall watch over the performance of the above directions, not permitting departure to any immigrant who does not prove to have complied with the requisites, which are demanded by this decree in order to leave the country.
  • Art. 10. The consuls of the republic abroad shall instruct emigrants before coming to Venezuela as to the obligation which this decree imposes.

Minister of Fomento, VICENTE CERONADO.