No. 678.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Russell.

No. 47.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 61, of the 2d instant, has been received. It relates to the deposit of money by the Venezuelan government on account of claims of citizens of the United States. You state that that government is willing to transfer the sum to this Government with the understanding that, when received here, it be not at once distributed among the claimants. In reply, I have to inform you that no such condition can be assented to on our part. In view of the amount over-due, and the circumstances attending the delinquency of that government, we are sure that we have shown a considerate forbearance. Consequently, on receiving this instruction, you will demand the payment, without further condition or reserve, of the sum which, you say, has been deposited to the credit of the United States.

I am, &c.,