No. 641.
Aristarchi Bey to Mr. Fish.

Mr. Secretary of State: Referring to the note which I took the liberty of addressing to you on the 3d of August last, (No. 1420,) in reply to your communication of the 23d of July previous, in relation to [Page 1320] the tonnage question, I have the honor to inform you, by order of his excellency Aarifi Pasha, minister of foreign affairs, that information has been sent, through His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, to the Suez Canal Company, concerning the measure which you mentioned to me, and which has been adopted by the Government of the United States.

I am, moreover, instructed to express to you, Mr. Secretary of State, the sincere thanks of the Sublime Porte for the favor with which you have received our suggestions in relation to the tonnage question.

I am very happy to perform this agreeable duty; and I beg you, Mr. Secretary of State, to accept, &c.