No. 526.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Cushing.
Washington, February 12, 1875.
Sir: Your No. 211, in reference to the change of government in Madrid, has been received. You inclose a copy of the circular of the Marquis de Molins, minister of state ad interim, announcing a temporary ministry, of a note from D’Alejandro Castro, the newly-appointed minister of state, and of a decree issued by the new King on his arrival in Spain, together with your replies to the circular and the note of the minister of foreign affairs.
I have read with interest your pungent observations upon the circular and this new effort to establish a permanent government, but I abstain at this time from extended comment upon all these matters, and upon the effect of this change upon the relations between the United States and Spain.
Your course, as detailed in this dispatch, and the tone of your replies to the Marquis de Molins and the minister of foreign affairs, are fully approved.
I am happy to perceive that your present relations are not only agreeable with the members of the new government, but that the ministry seems desirous of cultivating friendly relations with this Government.
I am, &c.,