No. 418.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, February 23, 1875. (Received March 15.)
Sir: The 22d of February was observed in this city by the display of the national flags on all the public buildings of the federal and district governments, and on the houses of the various legations, and by complimentary editorials in many of the daily newspapers.
As on the previous anniversary of the birthday of Washington, the American residents in this capital assembled at this legation, as members of the American Benevolent Society, an organization which answers the double purpose of relieving the wants of sick and destitute countrymen, and of constituting a bond of social union.
The number of adult male Americans at present residing in the federal district is about one hundred and thirty, of which sixty are heads of families, representing an American population of about three hundred and fifty. The occupations of these residents are: A few merchants, several teachers and professors in private and public schools, editors, officers, and employés of the Mexico and Vera Cruz Railroad, civil engineers superintendents of estates, mechanics, and laborers.
The completion of the railroad from this city to Vera Cruz, and the establishment of a regular line of steamers between that port and New Orleans, have made this city and the interior of the republic easily accessible from the United States. The number of American visitors has consequently greatly increased during the past year, and the increase promises to be much greater in the future. The salubrity of the climate, the uniform temperature, throughout the year, of this valley, and the whole of the central plateau of Mexico, (the thermometer in this valley varying but a few degrees from 67° Fahrenheit during the year,) and the natural and historical attractions of the country make excursions to Mexico at all seasons very agreeable.
I am, &c.,