No. 406.
Mr. Foster
to Mr. Fish.
Mexico, December 18, 1874. (Received January 11, 1875.)
Sir: The Mexican federal Congress closed the constitutional period of its session, and adjourned on the 15th instant, to re-assemble for its final session on the 1st of April, 1875. The subjects which have received the principal consideration of that body were, (first,) the passage of laws enforcing the constitutional amendments styled “the laws of reform;” and, (second,) the contracts made by the executive for the construction of railroads, both of which subjects will be referred to in separate dispatches. The administration has been able to carry all its measures, still maintaining a decided majority in congress.
The President, on the 15th instant, nominated a minister plenipotentiary to the republic of Guatemala and a chargé d’affaires to the kingdom of Italy, which nominations were confirmed by Congress. These positions correspond to the respective representations of Guatemala and Italy in this capital, and are the first appointments made to these countries since the French intervention.
The political disturbances between the governor of Oaxaca and the State legislature, to which reference was made in my dispatch No. 85,* September 18, was, after much discussion in the federal Congress, settled by the passage of a law authorizing the interference of the national government in favor of the legislature. A general of the army was sent to that State with a mere body-guard. The governor resigned his office. The legislature, which had been dissolved by the governor, re-assembled without opposition, and the public order was restored without any resort to arms.
[Page 846]Some political disturbances occurred in the territory of Lower California in the months of September and October last, which had their origin mainly in personal opposition to the governor of the district, but were very limited in their extent, and soon suppressed.
The consul at La Paz informs me that at the instance of Mr. Henry S. Brooks, superintendent of the Triunfo Mining Company, the United States steamer Saranac, Capt. W. W. Queen, was ordered from San Francisco to La Paz to protect the property of that company, which is, in part, held by American citizens.
The consul expresses the opinion that the danger never was imminent and the presence of the war-vessel unnecessary.
I am, &c.,