No. 73.
Mr. Low to Mr. Fish.

No. 260.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 172 of July 12, 1872, I have now the honor to inform you that a second instalment of thirty Chinese students will be sent on the steamer leaving the 12th of June for the United States. They will be accompanied by one tutor and one interpreter. These youths are from eleven to fourteen years of age.

I have sent a list of those people, properly certified, to the vice-consul-general, which will enable them to take advantage of the liberal proposal of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to transport Chinese students and their teachers and guardians at reduced rates of fare.

It is proper that I should observe in this connection that the prince and ministers have, on several occasions, expressed their satisfaction at the generous and kind reception which those that were sent last year met with; and the sending of the second instalment, two months earlier than the date originally fixed upon, shows that the undertaking has, thus far, more than met the expectations of its promoters.

I may add that the departure of these youths, at this moment, with the express assent and approval, if not under the immediate patronage of the imperial government, is an indication that the officials here do not regard an interruption of friendly relations between China and foreign nations, and particularly the United States, as among the probabilities or possibilities.

I have, &c.,