No. 10.

Mr. Gallatin to Mr. Clay.

Sir: * * * * * * *

The latter part of our conversation was of a more conciliatory nature. Mr. Huskisson said that it would be lamentable that, in this age, two such nations as the United States and Great Britain should be drawn to a rupture on such a subject as the uncultivated wilds of the Northwest Coast. But the honor and dignity of both countries must be respected, and the mutual convenience of [Page 26] both parties should also be consulted. He then objected to the straight line which we proposed, as having no regard to such convenience, and observed particularly that its cutting off the southern portion of Quadra and Vancouver’s Island, (that on which Nootka Sound is situated,) was quite inadmissible. I told him that, taking only convenience into consideration, their proposal was far more objectionable. * * *Mr. Huskisson objects to dividing Vancouver Island.


Hon. Henry Clay, Secretary of State.