
British edition Page. American edition Page.
Second and Definitive Statement on behalf of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty 1 195
Historical Note, (1818 to 1846) i 217
Chronological List of Secretaries of State, &c xxiii 238
Memorandum relative to Hudson’s Bay Company xxvii 241
Appendix xxxiii 244

No. 1.—Extract showing views of Earl of Aberdeen and Sir Richard Pakenham.

No. 2.—Correspondence between Mr. Bancroft and Mr. Buchanan.

No. 3.—Letters of Mr. Crampton, showing Mr. Buchanan’s opinions.

No. 4.—Conversation and correspondence between Mr. Bancroft and Viscount Palmerston.

No. 5.—Proposed Amendment of Article II of Treaty.