*No. 6.
[Inclosed in Messrs. Monroe and Pinckney’s letter of the 25th April, 1807. From London.]
Article 5. It is agreed that a line drawn due west from the Lake of the Woods along the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude shall be the line of demarcation [division line] between His Majesty’s territories and those of the United States to the westward of the said lake as far as the territories of the United States extend in that quarter; and that the said line shall to that extent form the southern boundary of His Majesty’s said territories, and the northern boundary of the said territories of the United States; provided that nothing in the present article shall be construed to extend to the northwest coast of America, or to the territories belonging to or claimed by either party on the continent of America to the westward of the Stony Mountains.The United States and Great Britain agree on the forty-ninth parallel as a division line.