No. 66.

Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. By Commander R. C. Mayne, R. N., F. R. G. S. London, 1862.

The breadth of the Strait of Juan de Fuca, at its entrance between Cape Flattery, its southern point upon American territory, and Bonilla point in Vancouver Island, is thirteen miles. It narrows soon, however, to eleven miles, carrying this breadth in an east and northeast direction some fifty miles to the Race Islands.—(P. 20.)

At the Race Islands the Strait may be said to terminate, as it there opens out into a large expanse of water, which forms a playground for the tides and currents, hitherto pent up among the islands in the comparatively narrow limits of the Gulf of Georgia, to frolic in.—(Pages 21, 22.)Where Fuca’s strait ends.