Record of the proceedings of the arbitration at the second conference held at Geneva in Switzerland on the 16th day of December, A. D. 1871.

The conference was held pursuant to adjournment. All the arbitrators were present.

Adjournment to June 15. Mr. J. C. Bancroft Davis and Lord Tenterden attended the conference as agents of the United States and of Her Britannic Majesty, respectively.

The record of the proceedings of the conference held on the 15th instant [Page 17] was read and approved, and the secretary was directed to attest it. Mr. J. 0. Bancroft Davis and Lord Tenterden were requested also to sign this and all subsequent records as agents of their respective governments.

The tribunal of arbitration directed that when an adjournment of the conference should be entered, it should be entered as an adjournment until the 15th day of June next, subject to a prior call by the secretary as provided for in the proceedings at the first conference.

The tribunal then directed the secretary to make up the record of the proceedings at the second conference as far as completed, which was done, and the record was read and approved.

The tribunal of arbitration then adjourned to meet at Geneva, on the 15th day of June next, unless sooner convened by the secretary, in the manner provided in the proceedings at the first conference.

  • ALEX. FAYROT, Secrétaire.