Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, transmitted to Congress with the annual message of the President, December 2, 1872, Part II, Volume IV
Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, transmitted to Congress with the annual message of the President, December 2, 1872, Part II, Volume IV
United States Government Printing Office
- Papers relating to the Treaty of Washington: Volume IV.—Geneva arbitration
- I. Report of J.C. Bancroft Davis, agent of the United States (Document 1)
- Report. (Document 1)
- Report. (Document 1)
- II. Protocols of the conferences of the arbitrators (Documents 2–33)
- Protocol I. (Document 2)
- Protocol II. (Document 3)
- Protocol III. (Document 4)
- Protocol IV. (Document 5)
- Protocol V. (Document 6)
- Protocol VI. (Document 7)
- Protocol VII. (Document 8)
- Protocol VIII. (Document 9)
- Protocol IX. (Document 10)
- Protocol X. (Document 11)
- Protocol XI. (Document 12)
- Protocol XII. (Document 13)
- Protocol XIII. (Document 14)
- Protocol XIV. (Document 15)
- Protocol XV. (Document 16)
- Protocol XVI. (Document 17)
- Protocol XVII. (Document 18)
- Protocol XVIII. (Document 19)
- Protocol XIX. (Document 20)
- Protocol XX. (Document 21)
- Protocol XXI. (Document 22)
- Protocol XXII. (Document 23)
- Protocol XXIII. (Document 24)
- Protocol XXIV. (Document 25)
- Protocol XXV. (Document 26)
- Protocol XXVI. (Document 27)
- Protocol XXVII. (Document 28)
- Protocol XXVIII. (Document 29)
- Protocol XXIX. (Document 30)
- Protocol XXX. (Document 31)
- Protocol XXXI. (Document 32)
- Protocol XXXII. (Document 33)
- Protocol I. (Document 2)
- III. Decision and award (Document 34)
- IV. Opinions of the arbitrators (Documents 35–39)
- Opinions of Count Sclopis. (Document 35)
- Opinions of Viscount D’Itajuba. (Document 36)
- Opinions of Mr. Shæmpfli. (Document 37)
- Opinions of Mr. Adams. (Document 38)
- Opinions of Sir Alexander Cockburn. (Document 39)
- Opinions of Count Sclopis. (Document 35)
- V. Reply of the Secretary of State, acknowledging the receipt of the report of
the agent of the United States, and commenting upon the opinion of the
arbitrator appointed by Her Britannic Majesty (Document 40)
- VI. Report of the counsel of the United States (Document 41)
- VII. Appendix: Opinions of statesmen, magazines, and journals of Great Britain and the continent on the construction of the treaty of Washington (Documents 42–50)
- Index.