Record of the proceedings of the tribunal of arbitration at the twenty-third conference, held at Geneva, in Switzerland, on the 19th of August, 1872.
The Conference was held pursuant to adjournment. All the arbitrators and the agents of the two governments were present.
The protocol of the last conference was read and approved, and was signed by the president and secretary of the tribunal and the agents of the two governments.
[Page 35]The tribunal considered the case of the Shenandoah.
Shenandoah: new tables presented by the agents. Count Sclopis having expressed some doubts concerning the chief point of this discussion, requested the tribunal to permit the counsel to afford further elucidation with regard to that point.
The tribunal decided to hear these explanations at the next conference.
In compliance with a request of the tribunal, Mr. J. C. Bancroft Davis, as agent of the United States, and Lord Tenterden, as agent of Her Britannic Majesty, respectively, presented to the tribunal tables of figures relating to the losses for which compensation is claimed by the United States, with explanatory statements and observations.
The conference was adjourned until Wednesday, the 21st instant, at half-past 12 o’clock.
- ALEX. FAVROT, Secretary.