Record of the proceedings of the tribunal of arbitration at the sixteenth conference, held at Geneva, in Switzerland, on the 30th of July, 1872.
The conference was held pursuant to adjournment. All the arbitrators and the agents of the two governments were present.
Tallahassee and Retribution. The protocol of the last conference was read and approved, and was signed by the president and secretary of the tribunal and the agents of the two governments.
The tribunal then proceeded with the cases of the vessels the Tuscaloosa, the Tallahassee, and the Retribution.
The tribunal also decided to devote the next conference to receiving the written or oral statement or argument of the counsel of the United States, in reply to the argument presented at the last conference by the counsel of Her Britannic Majesty.
The conference was then adjourned until Monday, the 5th of August, at half past 12 o’clock.
- ALEX. FAVROT, Secretary.