No. 3.
Mr. Fish
to Mr. Davis.
Washington, November 14, 1871.
Sir: Your appointment and acceptance of the position of Agent of the United States before the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva make it necessary to give you brief instructions on the subject of your duties.
You are expected to be at Geneva as early as the morning of the 16th of December next. It is probable that the Tribunal will be organized on that day or the 17th. You will deliver the Case and the seven accompanying volumes, in duplicate, to each of the Arbitrators and to the Agent for Great Britain, as required by the Treaty. I am informed that Lord Tenterden will represent Great Britain as its Agent.
You are aware that Congress has made no appropriations for the payment of an agent’s salary or expenses. The President will advise that your compensation shall be fixed at the rate of ten thousand dol-lars a year, and your necessary expenses suited to the position you occupy. In anticipation of such appropriation you will receive herewith a check upon Kiggs & Co. for twenty-five hundred dollars, payable in gold coin.
Herewith also you will receive a copy of the cipher of this Department. You are familiar with the views and wishes of this Department in regard to the general position to be taken in the discussion of the Alabama claims before the Tribunal. Should any new important points be suggested which, in your judgment, materially vary from or in any way conflict with those views and wishes, you will communicate at once with the Department by telegraph, if necessary to have an immediate decision; by mail, if there be time to obtain a reply.
I am, &c.,