No. 379.
Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Fish.

No. 175.]

Sir: I take advantage of an opportunity afforded to me by a friend to send you the “draught project for the eighth session of the International Statistical Congress.”

This congress will meet in St. Petersburg about the 20th of August of the present year, under the presidency of his imperial highness the Grand Duke Constantine, and will last about a week, after which the delegates will visit Moscow to view the Polytechnic Exposition, and possibly may go to Nighni-Novgorod for the great fair. The congress will be divided into four sections, viz:

Statistics of population; methodology of statistics.
Industrial statistics.
Statistics of commerce and postal relations.
Statistics of criminal justice.

It is desired by the committee of organization that every country take part in this congress by means of official delegates, and it is also thought desirable that there should be one official or unofficial delegate from each country in each section of the congress.* * * * *

I have, &c,

Chargé d’ffaires ad int.