No. 378.
Mr. Fish to Mr. Schuyler.

No. 136.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 168, of the 30th ultimo, relative to the proposed emigration of Mennonite colonies from Russia to the United States, has been received. From your account of those people it is not to be doubted that they would be valuable citizens, and would be deserving of welcome to this country. As Russian law, however, forbids emigration or its encouragement, it would not be advisable for this Government to interfere in the matter until the disposition of that government, which you proposed to ascertain, shall be known. It is not probable, however, that Congress would be disposed to make the case of the Mennonites an exception, by granting them money or lands, toward inducing them to emigrate, or compensating them therefor.

I am, &c, &c,