[Inclosure No. 1.]
Lord Dufferin
to Sir Edward Thornton.
Toronto, October 8, 1872.
Sir: With reference to my letter of the
13th July, No. 6, and to previous correspondence inclosing a
copy of a minute of the privy council of Canada, respecting an
indignity offered to the American flag, in connection with the
seizure of the United States schooner James Bliss, I have now
the honor to transmit herewith copy of a further order in
council, which states that the facts of the case have been fully
investigated, and, as the seizing-officer had disregarded the
special instructions issued by the government of Canada for the
guidance of the commanders of their cruisers, he would, on the
recommendation of the minister of marine, be reprimanded for his
I have, &c,
Copy of a report of a committee of the
honorable the privy council, approved by his excellency the
Governor-General, in council, on the 30th September, 1872.
On a memorandum dated September 23, 1872, from the honorable the
minister of marine and fisheries, relative to an order in
council, dated 8th July, and a subsequent dispatch from the Earl
of Kimberly, under date of 31st July last, respecting an
indignity offered to the American flag in connection with the
seizure of the United States fishing-schooner James Bliss by one
of the Canadian cruisers, for trespass on the in-shore
fisheries, the minister reports, for the information of your
excellency in council, that the facts have been strictly
That the special instructions issued by the government of Canada
for the guidance of commanders of marine police cruisers direct
as follows:
On capture, it will be desirable to take part of the foreign crew
aboard the vessel under your command, and place some of your own
crew, as a measure of precaution, on board the seized vessel,
first lowering the foreign flag borne at
the time of capture”
That it appears by such investigation that, when bringing into
the harbor of Gaspe the captured vessel in question, the
seizing-officer, in disregard of the above instruction, and
probably misapprehending his duty, did intentionally cause the
Dominion flag to be hoisted above the American flag, but that
the fact of the latter being so hoisted with the union downward
was entirely unintentional, and occurred through inadvertence on
the part of a subordinate.
That the government have already officially disavowed any
intention to show disrespect toward the flag of the United
States, and taken precautions to prevent recurrence of any such
objectionable acts, and the minister recommends that the facts
established by this inquiry be communicated to the United States
He also recommends that the seizing-officer, through whose
inattention to his official instructions this difficulty has
occurred, should be severely reprimanded.
The committee submit the above recommendations for your
excellency’s approval.
Clerk Privy
Council, Canada.