No. 9.
Mr. J. R. Jones to Mr. Fish.
Doctor Evans, an American dentist of Paris, was in to see me two or three days since, and told me that on Sunday p. m., September 4, the Empress, accompanied by a Madame Bretton, left the Tuilleries as the crowd was rushing in, took a little hack they found on the street, and drove to his house, on the avenue de l’Imperatrice, where they remained until five o’clock the next morning, when he took the ladies in his carriage, accompanied by a Dr. Crane, and drove fifty-six miles on their way to Trouville, just south of Havre, passing through Evreux and Lisieux. Near Trouville they took a little sail vessel, of 38 tons, going on board at 1 o’clock at night, and crossed over to the Isle of Wight, being twenty hours in crossing, the whole party being literally drenched from the washing of the waves over the little boat. From there they crossed over to Portsmouth, where they took the cars for Hastings, where they found the little Prince. Dr. Evans left the Empress and her son on Saturday last, at Shillingshurst, and was on his way to Wilhelmshoe, to see the Emperor, when I saw him.