No. 218.

Baron Gerolt to Mr. Fish.

Sir: With, reference to my notes of the 19th and 25th of February last, in relation to the proposition of my government for a combined action of the naval forces of the United States and North Germany for the suppression of piracy in the Chinese waters, I have the honor to inform you now that her Britannic Majesty’s representative, Mr. Thornton, has been notified by his government that the British admiralty will give, or has given, orders to the British naval commander in China to coöperate with the commanders of the naval forces of North Germany and of other maritime powers in China on combined measures for the object before mentioned.

I would feel much obliged to you, therefore, if you would inform me whether the President is disposed to accede to Count Bismarck’s suggestions in my note of the 19th of February last.