No. 156.
Mr. Bancroft to Mr. Fish.
No. 126.]
American Legation. Berlin, August 22, 1870. (Received September
Sir: The sum of fifty thousand thalers, placed
by the royal government at the disposition of our minister at Paris, is
designed for the relief,
[Page 204]
of Prussians only, but of the poor in Prance of every one of the States
of the North German Union. Mr. Washburne is empowered to use it
liberally, and has received the assurance that when the first credit is
exhausted all further sums that may be necessary will be placed at his
disposition. I have great satisfaction in reporting to you that the
government is exceedingly well satisfied with the efficient and
disinterested manner in which Mr. Washburne discharges his duties. I
inclose to you a copy of a letter which I have received from the
secretary of state on the subject. I have sent a translation of it to
Mr. Washburne.
Mr. Von Thiele to Mr. Bancroft.
Foreign Office of the North
German Union,
Berlin, August 20,
Sir: The envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of the United States of America, Mr. Bancroft, has
been pleased to transmit to the undersigned copies of two
communications from, the envoy of the United States in Paris, of the
12th and 15th of the present month, said communication referring at
some length to the lamentable consequences of the expulsion of the
Germans from France by the imperial French government.
The undersigned has thereby seen, with lively satisfaction, in what a
self-sacrificing and kind manner Mr. Washburne has interested
himself for the distressed Germans, and how he has, at the same
time, taken the necessary measures to procure other superintendence
under the protection of the American flag, for the hotel of the
legation of the North German Union, which was deprived of its proper
guardians by the expulsion of the architect, steward, &c. The
undersigned fulfills a pleasing duty in most respectfully requesting
his excellency the envoy to express to Mr. Washburne the warmest
thanks of the royal government for the successful efforts which have
been made by him.