Mr. Marsh to Mr. Seward.

No. 205.]

Sir: Admiral Farragut and suite arrived at Florence on the evening of Friday, the 7th instant, and left town this morning. As soon as his arrival was known he was invited by the King to a great military dinner, and afterwards received a similar compliment from a large number of members of Parliament, of every shade of political opinion. He also attended evening receptions at the houses of the president of the council and the Turkish minister, and entertainments were given to him by Mrs. Marsh and by Colonel and Mrs. T. B. Lawrence. In short, he was received with a cordial hospitality rarely shown, in the same degree, to strangers of any nation, and I believe that everything was done in his honor and for his enjoyment, both by the Italian government and by the American and other foreign residents at Florence, that the shortness of his stay permitted.

On all these occasions the most friendly and respectful sentiments were manifested towards the government and people of the United States, and I can say, with entire confidence, that during my residence in this kingdom no foreign visitor at the Italian capital has made a more favorable personal impression upon all who have been brought into contact with him than our great naval hero and patriot, Admiral Farragut.

La Spezia, where the Franklin and some other ships of the squadron are lying, is at too great a distance from all the large Italian towns to allow of the vessels being visited conveniently by many official or private persons who are interested in naval architecture; but there will be ample opportuuity for this purpose during the admiral’s stay at Naples, and it is not impossible that the King and his court may make a visit to that city at the same period.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.