Mr. Hanaberg to Mr. Sullivan.

No. 18.]

Sir: My last official dispatch was under date of 14th instant, and was forwarded in charge of Colonel Robinson.

On the 21st instant the United States steamer Susquehanna, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Palmer, and the United States steamer Monongahela, Commodore Bissel, came into [Page 1032] this harbor and were sainted by the Spanish frigate Gerona. The Susquehanna afterwards saluted the town, and returned the salute of the Spanish frigate. The salute to the town was not answered, and on the following morning I went with the fleet captain to present the admiral’s respects to his excellency the President of the State, and inquire why the salute had not been answered. His excellency replied that there were not in the place the proper means for firing salutes, and that, had the admiral notified him of his intentions to salute the town before doing so, as is customary, he would either have declined receiving the salute, or else have made an effort to have such salute properly returned.

These vessels left here on the 22d for Santa Martha, where the admiral intended to inform himself as to the circumstances of the imprisonment of some of the crew of the Colombian steamer Colombia, who were formerly attached to the steamer Rayo. I made the admiral acquainted with the state of affairs at Baranquilla and Rio Hatché, but he said he did not think of going to those ports.

There is a rumor here that the first officer of the Colombia, Lieutenant G. A. Boschart, who held the same position in the Rayo, and some others of the same vessel, had been captured and shot by General Herrera, at Rio Hatché. It is said that Herrera has since evacuated that place.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,


General Peter J. Sullivan, United States Minister Resident at Bogota.